HTC ONE M8 EYE Lollipop arrived !

HTC ONE M8 EYE Lollipop OTA - China

Hello guys, i am back with a great news.
Previously i posted an email screenshot of htc customer service that the M8 EYE will soon receive lollipop update.
OTA update has started in China from last 2 to 4 days.
I took a look on it and yes its android 5.0.2 update for M8 EYE !!
Here is the screenshot :-

i'll upload the OTA so that you can try it or you can wait for it.

So stay tuned to Atechdevelopers ! ;)

Any query then contact me at -
And don't forget to add me in your circle. !


  1. That is great! please upload it fast! i can't wait anymore.


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